This blog had a cute idea about helping the kids understand molting!
It would be a little messy I am sure...but every kids loves to play with glue!! I think you wold just have to make sure they understood this was a special time andnot something they could do on other days. I love it!
The same site also posted once on how to make a rainbow snake...these are the directions
1. Mix up sugar cookie dough (any recipe will do).
2. Divide the dough out into 6 ziploc bags.
3. Add one color of food coloring to each bag: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet.
4. Have kids squish the dough and color together throughout the bag. Once mixed, remove the colored dough from each bag.
5. Next, have kids roll each color into a "snake." You'll have 6 snakes, each a different color.
6. Then, put the snakes side by side (ROYGBV) and flatten them out into one large rectangle.
7. With a knife or a cookie cutter, slice the rectangle vertically, so all the colors will be in one long stick.
8. Bake and enjoy! via 5 Ericksons Play
I saved the picture of it on my evernote, but the site seems to not be there anymore.
I love the blog A place Called Kindergarten
She made cute rainbow snakes! The pattern for the snakes is found HERE
It looks like this site used a similar pattern to make a snake but used paint!...Maybe dot art?
This is a site for a cute snakes and ladders game to put in your computer center! I love when all the centers can be themed. Sometimes it doesnt work out for me to have them all match...but I try hard to make it happen!
Looks like Jennifer over at Kinderpond actually brought int he HERP society to her classroom! ha!! That seems cool...I wonder if wehave anything like that in my town...
Itsy Bitsy Snake book
Deep space sparkle has some pretty snake art!
DIY Valentine’s Earrings
2 weeks ago
First Grade Blue SKies