My Fairytale began at 10 when I met THE BOY who'd become my husband. Sat right behind him 1 Sunday in a little country church & in 13 yrs, we married! Next, my Fairytale career, A FIRST GRADE TEACHER! I LOVE "firsties"! After 12 yrs. things changed, I was reassigned to Kindergarten...WHOA! These littles can grip your ticker in 1 heartbeat. My day is full of their moments that only happen once in a lifetime. Fairytale Moments Happen in room 18 Everyday.
So I usually have my students decorate Valentines Day bags in class, but this year I decided to do something different. I asked them to decorate a shoebox anyway they wanted and bring it to class. I have only received one back so far, but it is sooooo cute I had to post it!
He made one for me too! I love frogs and all the kids know it. I love it so much I will use it for years to come!
Yay! I actually did it! I made something and figured out how to share it...thanks to my sweet, helpful husband! So tell me what you easy though, it is my first thing to upload ever! lol I can tell you what parts I wish were better.... 1. I would have liked to make the ground partner with his shadow or a hole instead of another groundhog. (hopefully I will build up my clip art collection) 2. I could have made the recording sheet say ___+____=_______ 3. I could have included pictures to make reading the words easier (again, need to build my clip art collection!) Anyways, hopefully it is something someone will use. :) Thank you for any feedback
I like to put alot of different things in pocket charts! I just love them! Since groundhogs day is so close to the 100th day I thought this would blend in the week nicely
On groundhogs day I like to take my kids outside to check and see if they can see their own shadow. We trace our shadows with chalk and measure them. I used to use a ruler or yardstick, but I am sure you know that is very hard for them to keep tack of when measuring a large object. So, I though it would be cute to print off and laminate a bunch of groundhogs for them to measure with. We have 5th grade buddies to do activities with but you could could partner the kids up with another class or within your own class.
I love this really cute Martin Luther King Jr. portrait activity that was posted by Mrs. Perry on her blog Primary Perspective. I went to the link on her site and purchased the template and instructions.
Then, I found another site where you can print a dream sheet for free. The students can write their own dreams and glue them to the back on Martin's portrait. The dream sheets are from
This is a great book about Emperor Penguins. The kids always find it interesting that the daddy penguin takes care of the egg on his feet and doesn't get to eat for a long time! They like to hear about what the babies eat too. Their reactions are so cute. As a followup activity to the story I had them draw and write 4 things they remember and liked about the Emperor Penguins. I think their papers turned out pretty adorable.
Dad guards the egg! (cute!)
(love the picture of the penguin sliding on belly!)
This is an idea I got from my Aunt Suzie who taught for many years. You just get a penguin template, some pencils and some paint! Super easy! I just put the materials in a center and let them dot away.
This is the coolest thing ever! I was so impressed at how it works! You just mix shaving cream and glue together and spread it around on paper. It dries puffy! The only problem is it gets ruined easily. You have to be extra careful when the kids transport it home or it flakes off. At least mine did. Still totally worth the experience. The children loved their snowman creations!
I found these pretty little table scatter hearts ont he dollar isle at Target! They were actually $2.50 per box and they come in pink and purple. I think they will be great at my math center in February. Now I just need to figure out how to make and upload cute lessons and I will share more ideas!
This week I will be starting my Penguin unit. This is a picture of the newest edition to our class! Last week we got to watch a special show called Scamper. It was about an adorable little penguin that the children fell in love with. I spotted this little guy at Hobby Lobby and just had to have him. He is going to join us this week in class as a behavior incentive. I bet I have the best behaved class of the week. I mean seriously...who wouldn't wanna earn a chance to snuggle with this cutie?
I got this idea from the blog First Grade at Last. She has a really great blog! You can make these cute little pointers for not too much money. At Hobby Lobby you can get the little characters already painted and you just hot glue them to a stick and wallah!
These are the cute little Penguins that I made with my Cricut this week. We hung them up in the hall to decorate for my upcoming penguin unit. The kids really liked making the craft. Although, I have to admit I like the crafts that dont look so perfect better. I am going to have to do some more research on what to do with my cricut!
I got this idea from another teacher blog My students really got in to this project, it was fun. We read the story "The Mitten" By Jan Brett and then we made our little mitten and hid something inside! The kids looked and looked though magazines to find the perfect animal. It was funny to see how important it was to them to find the perfect picture to hide in their mitten.
I love these cute little snowmen! I got the idea somewhere to paint with marshmallows. I thought the kids would really enjoy doing something different and sure enough they did! Then, after painting, I realized they really needed some dressing up! Soooo, I just pulled out a bunch of stuff from my art shelf and we went to town! I call this guy, Leftover Snowman because we just slapped a bunch of leftover stuff on it! I was surprised how much I ended up liking this craft!